Friday, August 04, 2006


This mod is now two-thirds over, but who's counting? The other day Shirl asked us to list at least one positive thing and one negative thing, if any, that will happen when we become CMT's. I did not list "meeting hot guys with disposable income" as one of the positives or negatives for that matter.

Five positive things:

1) I will become financially solvent -- not living hand-to-mouth, able to pay off the huge bills I've racked up in the last five and a half years, put aside some for retirement and help my mother (not that she needs it)

2) I will become more empowered, not having to depend on Craig and his list or the public relations work which I hate more than death itself.

3) I will be healthier. I will get more sleep and eat less fast food. Not only will I be able to afford healthier food, I will be more motivated to buy it and cook it. I will also have more time for doctor's and dentist's appointments and not have to think twice about tests, medications, procedures etc. Hmmm, I could also get a job at a health club and get to work out there for free, too.

4) I will be professionally more diverse. Is that the word? This experience has taught me I may also want to go into sales (I have heard a lot of MT's earn extra money from selling spa products). Also, I am a lot better at anatomy and physiology than I thought I would be. This has got me interested in medical writing, reporting and editing.

5) I will be more balanced and centered, mostly as a result of having more money. I will not have to live out of my car, not always be rushing from one job to another, not always losing or forgetting things, not snapping at people as a result of sleep deprivation/poor diet.

Two negative things:

1) In case you haven't figured it out, lack of people skills have been more of a liability for me than appearance, lack of talent, intelligence, work ethic. I worry about clients with attitude, cancelling, not tipping, making snotty remarks, treating me like a hooker. Shirl says a lot of this will go away when I stop advertising with Craig and his list.

2) Wrecking my health through bad body mechanics, infection. Yeah, I realize I said earlier I expect to be healthier, but still I have a lot to learn in the way of body mechanics, as I wrecked my hands before Mark's funeral last summer. Also, I worry about accidents like getting my hand caught in a a meat grinder or between two bowling balls or something like that. Then there's my lack of resistance. After a couple days of hard physical work I end up with a low-grade fever, flu-like symptoms etc, either from pathogens passed on by clients or just emotional strain.

Sometimes I go to the bowling alley across the street for a cold drink. Then I realize what progress I have made -- I don't work in a bowling alley anymore and hopefully I never will again.