Saturday, November 04, 2006


Saw The Queen today. It made Queen Elizabeth II look like a very fragile, human person. It also reminded me of all the deaths I've experienced in the last couple years and how those closest to the recently-deceased are put the most closely under the microscope. And that no one knows what they're REALLY thinking. And how we don't always have the warm and fuzzy feelings we're expected to have. For example no matter how annoying your MIL is she is still your husband's mother and the grandmother of your children and no matter how little regard you have for your son's ex-wife she is still your grandchildren's mother.

They showed some brief footage of Princess Diana's wedding. I'll never forget that day. Who could think anything could go so horribly wrong? Okay, I never thought back then I would end up doing public relations and massaging horny fat guys but at least I'm not dead. Okay, I realize I am not being horribly articulate but I haven't slept much.

Not that it has much to do with anything, but check out the
National Press Club if you get a chance -- that's where we had lunch before the movie. They have great desserts.