Friday, September 28, 2007


Not a terribly stressful week, but not a very profitable one, either. Still, I'm massaging again. I feel kind of like a butterfly or a hummingbird, flitting from interest to interest. Maybe I would feel better if I would pick one thing and stay with it -- Radio/Massages/Public relations? Losing weight, improving my finances?

The problem is, once I settle on something, something seemingly better comes along. Two years ago when I was getting serious about massaging, I got the job at Radio America, thinking it would be the answer to all my problems. Big mistake. It set me back further, professionally and financially. Then when I started massage school, my other jobs picked up. And when I quit my sweat shop massage job, the others fizzled out. Now, I am chugging along, but it's kind of like one step forward, two steps back.