Friday, November 14, 2008


A pretty good week. I have done four company events in the last two weeks. It’s interesting to see what’s meant by “company culture.” Or maybe it goes beyond culture. Some companies seem like repositories for the walking wounded. Their employees are like walking open wounds – it doesn’t matter what industry they’re in. They can’t wait to recite all their medical histories and past injustices heaped on them. Nothing you do is good enough for them – they feel they’re entitled to more for whatever reason. Being around them is draining and if I weren’t paid for it I wouldn’t hang around them unless it were some sort of charity project.

A couple days ago I did a web search on Wendy Bergren. She was the stay-at-home mother of three who died of cancer at a young age – when she was rendered unable to care for her children it was probably doubly hard as that was what she had chosen as her career, not just as her lot in life.

Her example is cited in the book Having Your Baby When Others Say No! It is meant for women facing a crisis, unexpected or unwanted pregnancy. One chapter says “You may not be happy with the way your life has turned out to this point. Perhaps you feel that there has to be more to living than what you've experienced or felt. Maybe you want things to improve for you and your baby. You can find the peace you're looking for.”
No shit. But at it’s good to know peace is to be found.