Saturday, November 18, 2006


For homework I have to come up with a pathology for every letter of the alphabet, tell which system if affects and whether it is indicated or contraindicated for massage. Here goes:

A-Autism, affects nervous system. Indicated but best to consult with client's physician, other professional, legal guardian.

B-Beriberi, affects nervous, circulatory systems. Contraindicated until client has completely recovered.

C-Constipation, affects digestive system. Indicated if client is otherwise healthy.

D-Dwarfism, affects skeletal system. Indicated but therapist should be careful because client's bone structure is likely to be different from that of a person of stature.

E-Eczema, affects skin.Contraindicated if client is experiencing a flare-up.

F-Flatulence, affects digestive system.Indicated if client is otherwise healthy, but may be unpleasant for therapist.

G-Gonorrhea, affects reproductive system in earliest stages, can affect others if untreated. Indicated if client has received treatment and therapist does not attempt to massage affected areas.

H-Hirsutism, caused by endocrine system, affects integumentary system. Indicated but therapist may want to use more lubricant.

I-Impetigo, affects integumentary system. Contraindicated.

J-Jaundice, affects digestive system (liver). Contraindicated.

K-Klismophilia, sexual gratification through enemas. Indicated but therapist should not perform colonic irrigation even if client requests it.

L-Lyme Disease, affects nervous, musculoskeletal and ultimately circulatory system. Contraindicated until client has fully recovered.

M-Multiple Personality Disorder, believed to originate in nervous system. Indicated as long as client is not dangerous and all the personalities agree to it. Therapist has a right to charge more if personalities want to be massaged separately.

N-Neurofibromatosis, mainly affects nervous, muscular systems, can affect others. Indicated unless client is in severe pain or physician recommends against it.

0-Otopyorrhea, affects ear. Contraindicated.

P-Paget's Disease, affects skeletal system. Contraindicated.

Q-Quinsy, affects lymphatic system (tonsils). Contraindicated.

R-Rickets, affects skeletal system.Contraindicated unless directed by physician.

S-Syphilis, originates in reproductive system, can affect others if untreated. Indicated if client has received treatment and is not in advanced stations. Therapist should not massage affected areas.

T-Tay-Sachs disease, affects nervous system. Indicated but client's parents should get authorization from physician.

U-Ulcerative Colitis, affects digestive system. Contraindicated if symptoms are acute.

V-Vitiligo, affects integumentary system. Indicated if client is otherwise healthy, pain-free.

W-Whipple's Disease, affects digestive system. Contraindicated until patient is symptom-free.

X-Xeroderma Pigmentosa, affects integumentary system. Contraindicated.

Y-Yellow Fever, digestive, urinary and later other systems. Contraindicated.

Z-Zoster, Herpes (Herpes Zoster), affects integumentary system. Contraindicated.