Thursday, February 22, 2007


Stranger things have happened. Saw this article on MSN. Yeah, that describes me: obsessed with my pets, working 24-7, a clutterbug who's ashamed to have people over. Maybe the author is right -- maybe I need to clean the table off so something else can find room on it. Dad told me "practice, practice," Mom said "genius is 99% perspiration." Maybe they were WRONG. Maybe I need to do the Zen thing of NOT DOING ANYTHING.

Bought Muriel's Wedding. Saw it about 12 years ago with Kevin. I rented it so often I figured I should buy it. I can relate so much to Muriel Heslop -- overweight, abused, asshole high school classmates. At the end Muriel leaves her husband because he admits he doesn't love he but "wouldn't mind having her around." Silly, silly Muriel. The guy is hot hot and has money and wouldn't mind having you around. And that's so much what a relationship is about -- you have to be comfortable with someone after the sex is over.