Monday, July 02, 2007


Today is Pay Day. Most places pay their staff on or before the first of the month if the first is a weekend or holiday, but not this place. We don’t have direct deposit, either, as Mom sez Boss has no money to directly deposit. At one time he owed some people 25 K. Two uniformed cops showed up and escorted him to the bank so he could make the transfer.

K sez I need to fill out my timesheets in more detail so people will believe I’m not making things up. I refer to one of my co-workers as “Reek” because he reeks. Sometimes of booze, sometimes of cigarette smoke, sometimes of both. And he dresses like a homeless man. K sez Reek fills out his timesheets in ridiculous detail. Of course he does – he has plenty of time for it. He does no work. I can imagine a sample of his timesheet: “Moaned .25 hours, talked to self .50 hours, listened to radio 6.0 hours, stood in front of building .25 hours, walked around block .50 hours, ate lunch 1.25 hours….”