In Kaballah class we learned there is a belief that part of creation broke off and sank down to a fiery nether region known as Hell. However, whenever a Jew thinks a good thought, does a good dead or says a prayer, little divine sparks fly back upwards to the original source. One day all the little sparks will have flown back up and all will be one again, even Satan.
I don’t see why these little divine sparks don’t fly up when ANYONE thinks a good thought, Jew or gentile. “Doing good” seems to be a Judeo-Christian/Islamic thing. The Evangelicals with whom I deal stress “not by works, but by Grace alone shall ye be saved.” Which apparently means you can be the world’s biggest asshole as long as you’re “saved” and have “Grace.”
But what about NOT doing bad? On purpose, I mean. For example, stifling the unkind remark to the 7-11 clerk, the Starbucks barista, the person in front of you in the express line with more than 15 items? I could post the things I do right, or at least not do wrong, for example “I didn’t reem the barista a new asshole” or “I didn’t tell the homeless guy who begged me for money to ‘get a job.’” Naaaaahhhh.
I don’t see why these little divine sparks don’t fly up when ANYONE thinks a good thought, Jew or gentile. “Doing good” seems to be a Judeo-Christian/Islamic thing. The Evangelicals with whom I deal stress “not by works, but by Grace alone shall ye be saved.” Which apparently means you can be the world’s biggest asshole as long as you’re “saved” and have “Grace.”
But what about NOT doing bad? On purpose, I mean. For example, stifling the unkind remark to the 7-11 clerk, the Starbucks barista, the person in front of you in the express line with more than 15 items? I could post the things I do right, or at least not do wrong, for example “I didn’t reem the barista a new asshole” or “I didn’t tell the homeless guy who begged me for money to ‘get a job.’” Naaaaahhhh.
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