Friday, July 18, 2008


I think I have worked 20 out of the last 21 days. Monday will be my first break in weeks, but it’s too early to tell.

Wednesday night at Mom’s (and Dr. S’s) suggestion (badgering?) I went to the urgent care center. It turns out I am borderline anemic. Maybe that’s why I am getting so pale. So I ended up getting an IV, which did not leave me feeling any better or any worse. I can’t remember the last CBC I had. I was told to eat more meat, eggs, spinach and cereal, which I eat anyway. All I could think was, “gee, how bad would I feel if I DIDN’T?”

A web search revealed the following symptoms “irritability, mood disorders, inability to think, speak clearly etc.” That would explain it. I apologize for my inability to put together a decent English (or Spanish) sentence.

I am at work drooling over videos of Robert Plant:

He is such a charming guy. And it’s interesting to hear how he sez he’s “come and gone” a million times with the press (which has not always been so kind to him). And that he’s won one Grammy in comparison to Alison Krauss’s 20.

It reminds me of what Casey Kasem (I think) said about how some artists break concert attendance records yet have never had a number one album or single and that others sell bazillions of records (CD’s?) yet can’t get their own families to come to their concerts.

Come to think of it, I don’t think Prince Charles could get his own family to come to his 50th birthday party.
