Thursday, November 27, 2008


Hmmm, let's at least hit the basics:

I am thankful that we live in a country in which democracy rules, even though I don't always agree with it.
I am thankful that even though most of our latest winners weren't elected in a landslide there is no rioting in the streets.

Trains are still running and there is still milk for the children. Somehow "milk for the children" seems to be a REALLY important measure of a country's well-being for some people.
I am thankful for food, so much of it that I have to lose weight.
I am thankful for shelter, even though it looks like Oscar Madison's apartment before Felix moved in.
I am thankful for clothing, even though I have outgrown some of it and some of it is threadbare yet I am reluctant to part with it.

I think we've covered the basics. Happy Thanksgiving!