Friday, November 21, 2008


Not a bad week. Hopefully the most unpleasant medical tests will be over with in less than a week and soon I will only occupy one zip code. Watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof last weekend. In addition to the the latent homosexuality, family dysfunctionality and career frustration was the song "Jesus Wants Me for A Sunbeam," which is really not a bad thing. Really, are we put here on earth to make people's lives miserable? I should certainly hope not.

Also, Oprah had a guest named Jill Price, who has total recall, probably a thousand times better than I do. Apparently Jill is looking for people with similar abilities to share experiences. Until recently I thought everyone could remember things the way I do. A web search shows that in spite of her elephant memory, Price is not a terribly happy person. Understandable, in a way, to not be able to forget hurts heaped on you by family members, bosses, teachers and "friends." she says school was a miserable experience for her and now she works in an unremarkable job and lives with her parents. Still, she has a book published and was on Oprah, neither of which I have managed to accomplish.