Friday, December 19, 2008


Man, only one week left in this precious year. Some reflections, enumerated:

1) Things are definitely better than they were one year ago, other than my beloved big pig being dead and being royally screwed over at one of my jobs. Me, that is, not the pig.

2) This week I met people going through apparently horrible divorces, dealing with stage three cancer and other things they won’t mention. Yet they acted so upbeat on the first meeting one would never have thought it. Maybe Dennis Prager is right – inflicting your misery on other people is as offensive as inflicting body odour on them – you should act happy even if you don’t feel happy and you should bathe even if you don’t clean. Hmmm, maybe if you act happy you will BE happy.

3) A kind of Zen thing: last night I went to a party, earned more money than expected and had a nice time. Minutes later in the parking garage I knocked the sideview mirror off my car, which will probably take all the money earned at the party to repair. Yet I am trying not to let it get me down. On the way to the party I saw what looked like an accident or a violent crime scene or something. So maybe if I hadn’t been to the party something worse would have happened to me. And having been to that party may have positive ramifications, too.

4) After knocking the mirror off my car things went downhill. Then they went uphill, or at least didn’t continue to go downhill. I guess they kinda coasted.

5) Maybe imagined slights are really imagined. Just because people question me doesn’t mean they think I’m wrong. Or worse yet, don’t like me.

6) Sometimes to make things happen you have to be proactive. Other times non-active.