Modern radiograph (X-ray) of a healthy adult human hand. Hand abnormalities can indicate nutritional deficiencies, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, lupus, scleroderma or other disorders

1918 Gray's Anatomy illustration of the left hand fasciae (palmar view)

Traditional palmistry (chiromancy) illustration

While palmistry was once used as a means of divination ("fortune-telling") now it is more used to discern the querent’s character or potential. For example, a woman who asks "do you see me getting married?" might be told she needs to make some changes in her thinking/behaviour before she can attract a proper mate. A man who asks "do you see more money coming my way?" might be told he has the potential to earn more than he does now, but that something in his behaviour/thinking is blocking him.

Lines of the palm: 1: Life line - 2: Head line - 3: Heart line - 4: Girdle of Venus - 5: Sun line - 6: Mercury line - 7: Fate line
Modern day hand analysts (palm readers) use the lines as a means of character analysis or potential rather than to foretell the future. For example, a shortened life line does not necessarily indicate an untimely demise, but more likely the client's inability to fully embrace or enjoy life.

Size and shape of the palm are also important. Just as astrologers deal with earth, water, air and fire signs, hand analysts deal with earth, water, air and fire hands. The hand above is an earth hand with its characteristic square palm and short fingers. Typically people with earth hands are seen as reliable, methodical and detail-oriented. However, some individuals may see the same people as stodgy, hide-bound and/or anal retentive.
It is possible for a person to have differing left and right hands, for example a right earth hand and a left fire hand or to have hands which are a combination of earth-fire or air-water.

Length, width and shape of fingers and thumbs, including nails, can also be very telling. For example, people with knotty fingers tend to be analytical problem-solvers and people with conical or pointy fingers tend to be more sensitive.

This symbol is called a "Hamsa." While it depicts a hand, this Jewish/Moslem symbol is not necessarily related to palmistry/chiromancy/hand analysis. It is often used as a body/home ornament and is meant to ward off the evil eye. Some Hamsas, such as this one, have an eye in the center.
WARNING!!!If you go for a reading/analysis and someone tells you you are "cursed" or suffering from past-life issues and he/she can remove the “curse,” DO NOT BELIEVE HIM/HER!!! Also, beware of readers who offer a low introductory rate and then tell you you need "more work" and that they need to charge you more. The same applies to those who ask for LARGE amounts of money or for gifts or services. Sometimes a five-dollar reading can end up costing you thousands of dollars. Have fun, but just use some common sense

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