That's what people used to say "Burma" stood for. Except now it's called Myanmar. Tonight we had a substitute teacher from Myanmar who said Tylenol is unknown in his country -- people there prefer wholistic remedies. Except according to the World Health Organization the average Myanmarian man has a life expectancy of about 19 years less than that of the average American man. So can we say Tylenol saves lives?
During the '80's people were putting cyanide into extra-strength Tylenol. One high school got in trouble for a homecoming float that said "Tylenol the Tigers," showing a dead tiger. I had some Tylenol I got from the infirmary. I took them one at a time just to see what would happen.
During the '80's people were putting cyanide into extra-strength Tylenol. One high school got in trouble for a homecoming float that said "Tylenol the Tigers," showing a dead tiger. I had some Tylenol I got from the infirmary. I took them one at a time just to see what would happen.

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