Saturday, January 06, 2007


Well, my resolution to socialize more has gone horribly wrong. My boss told me about this “dinner” last night which was supposed to be a great networking event. Things were fudged up at school and I dragged myself home for a nap. The “dinner” was supposed to be from 6:30 to 10. I got there at about 8:30. Boss was not there.

It turned out it was a party for an organization for the severely mentally ill. Unfortunately, the event was run by a guy who belongs to one of my clubs. Nobody likes him. We call him “N___, the serial killer.” He is that creepy. The last time I remember seeing this guy was almost eight years ago. I was at an open house with my date and N___ approaches my date, telling him he is forming a new Jewish singles group and would like to invite him. He did not invite me. Neither my date nor I were Jewish. I was furious that this guy would have the nerve to ask a guy with a date to join his singles group, but I guess we didn’t appear to be the perfect loving couple.

At any rate there was really no one with whom to “network.” There were a bunch of cute guys who looked young enough to be my sons. And there was a guy who looked like Uncle Fester who kept yelling out weird stuff. All in all I would have done better going to school instead. I felt as though I had taken 19 dollars and 20 cents and flushed them down the toilet. At least the food and the music were good One of the performers was cute. He is a friend of my boss’s. His name is Ed. His band is called “Special Ed and the Slow Learners. Let's hope my resolution to earn more money turns out better.