Sunday, March 04, 2007


There are two beautiful churches, both within walking distance of me. And I can become a member of either one (I am). And I live in a country in which people are free to freely and publicly worship the deity of their choice. And there was pizza in the church basement after mass. And hot guys.

What I've gleaned from Dennis Prager, The Secret DVD and the various articles I've read is this: if you come across as tired, angry and tense you will repel people. And things. And not enjoy them as much when you attract them. Conversely, if you come across as happy, relaxed and open to new people and things they will come you way. And if you are grateful for what God (or the Universe) sends you, he/she/it will send you more. So for the next couple weeks, at least, I will try to be grateful for what little comes my way.