Friday, May 18, 2007


Some people have multiple weddings. I have multiple graduations. This is my fifth, if you count eighth grade. I feel like Elizabeth Taylor or one of the Gabor sisters. Believe it or not, I won two awards, one for attendance, the other for volunteer service "above and beyond the call of duty." I did not expect either one. When I found out I was getting the volunteer service award I thought, "gee, I never did that much, my classmates must be a bunch of slackers." Then I figured it must be what Amber Jayanti and Sarah Ban Breathnach refer to as "divine time," in which years of hard work seemingly go unnoticed by anyone and then are suddenly rewarded one after another at a rapid rate. Maybe this is to make up for having chicken pox during my first Camp Fire peanut sale, not getting a paid job after numerous unpaid internships, getting a ticket on my way to volunteer at the art museum...

We had dinner afterwards at the Alpine. I chose that because it is not too far from the church but a little more elegant than Anthony's. Also because we lived directly behind it until I was five years old and because Roger and I went there with our respective prom dates. And that was where Ty proposed to Jennifer. Maybe it was a sort of "atonement" thing. By that I mean to re-do a lot of high school and even pre-school, elementary school things. I have no idea what kind of time Roger had at his prom. And Jennifer and Ty are still married.