Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, I am thoroughly underwhelmed by the Obama coronation. If anybody asks me about that historic day, I will say I watched the swearing-in on TV with the pigs, walked 20 minutes to the bus stop, got to work 20 minutes later and waited a whole hour until my ten-hour shift actually started.

I got invited to one ball and had a chance to buy a ticket to another one where the Obamas and the Bidens were guaranteed to be, but that was too late and the ticket was $500.00. Mom said “you’ve seen Biden often enough anyway.” Still, it was fun to see the people riding Metro in their inaugural finery.

Other than three or four leaky pipes things are going better in my life. All I can do is hope and pray they continue to improve. Obama will have a lot to tackle. The best we can do is wish him well.