Wednesday, July 05, 2006


This evening I went to get my mail and pay my condo fee. I don’t know what was wrong with the front desk attendant, who has seemed like a nice, competent person until now. Tonight, however, she was walking like a movie zombie (or mummy or Frankenstein). I did not smell alcohol or pot on her – I asked her if she was ok and she mumbled “yes.” A guy who just happened to walk in from outside told me he was a doctor and he thought she was having a seizure. She could stand up and walk ok, she was not jerking or twitching but she was staring straight ahead.

The doctor told me to call 911. Ironically he was interested in moving into our building – I explained we were a condo and he needed to contact individual owners if he was interested in renting. He stayed with me until the 911 people came. I’m not sure whether they took her to the hospital or not.

This has me bothered – should I have called 911 right away? I tried to find a condo board person or the building engineer but couldn’t. I wouldn’t have just left her there – I went to bed after the paramedics arrived and the engineer had been paged. This bothers me especially as I am entering a healthcare field and and pride myself on being a professional.