Sunday, June 03, 2007


May the Lord protect and defend you,
May He always shield you from shame,
May you come to be in years full well a shining name.
May you be like Ruth and like Esther,
May you be deserving of praise,
Strengthen them o Lord and keep them from the stranger's way.
May God bless you and grant you long life
(may the Lord fulfill our sabbath prayer for you),
May God make you good mothers and wives
(may He send you husbands who will care for you).
May the Lord protect and defend you,
May the Lord preserve you from pain,
Favor them o Lord with happiness and peace,
O hear our sabbath prayer,

Sheldon Harnick and Jerry Bock

"Husbands that will care for you?" "Good mothers and wives?"

Ok, so the Catholic faith isn't exactly a hotbed of progressivism. Still, I like a prayer that asks G-d to bless one's children, grant them long lives and shield them from shame. And I like the idea of a day of rest, even if it means like rushing like mad to put on nice clothes and do nothing. after that "Shabbat, Shalom, we're stuck at home, Oh Queen, Oh Bride, we're stuck inside, Shalom, Shabbat, we can't do squat." The card I drew for today was the ten of wands, which is all about overdoing it, trying to go it alone, having to pick your battles. The pignic was postponed. It makes me mad that I had said "no" to a work assignment that would have looked good, but then last night the AC wasn't working in the control room so it might have been a warm, uncomfortable day anyway.