Dianne sez that's about to change. Went to her for my new year's reading and she says my life will follow much the same pattern it did when I was 15. So I will fall in love with a gay guy and be taken advantage of by a sick twisted director, oh, never mind, I guess she meant something else.
Around October 24th of this year (my ex's birthday) we will be entering a new moon and a new cycle and I will need to think about what I am putting my vantage point on. Bad grammar/syntax, I know. Dianne has recommended I watch the DVD The Secret, which talks about the law of attraction, the importance of holding onto ideas that you want and putting ideas you don't want out of your mind.
Next year, starting in January, will be one of abundance and love, a good time for study, planning and letting go of old emotional stuff.
Opposition of Saturn and Neptune can lead to feelings of doubt, confusion, discontentment, it would be a good idea to take less interst in self-preservation and try to care more.
March through of August of this year and next January and February may not be a good time to make major decisions, as I may be deceived or look at people/things through rose-coloured glasses, however, they will be opportunities for kindness and generosity. I may also feel my beliefs shifting and wonder whether I fit in .
February through May of this year will be a time for self-improvement and harmonious relationships and I will be finding my comfort zone.
June through July will be a time of unexepected change with Uranus more prominent, but also a time of healing. I may feel jealous about relationships and not want to share.
Hard work will likely move things in a positive direction and goals will come into form. I will also see how much I am worth and allow others to give more. I will also experience a healing, including that of my inner self-critic and feel as though I fit in better. Work will bring opportunity for self-expression.
In June I should feel very motivated and ambitious, but it may also be a time of intense feelings, anger and relationship clashes.
Next year should be a time of giving, healing, and opportunities for relationships, however a may relationship may be a "secret" one we won't be free to share. I will be feeling more expansive psychologically and a move may be involved. Even if anything which comes along in the next year or two is not the Real Thing, it may be practice for it or an entree to it. At any rate, it should feel as though the curse I've been under for the last six years will be finally lifting.